Subject Verb Agreement Exercises Grade 6

Subject Verb Agreement Exercises Grade 6

Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental grammatical concept that every student needs to understand and master. It is the foundation on which good writing and effective communication are built. When the subject and the verb in a sentence are not in agreement, it can lead to confusion, ambiguity, and even incorrect meaning. In grade 6, students are usually introduced to subject-verb agreement and expected to practice it through exercises. In this article, we will discuss some subject-verb agreement exercises suitable for grade 6 students.

1. Identify the subject and the verb in a sentence

The first step in understanding subject-verb agreement is to identify the subject and the verb in a sentence. In this exercise, students are given a set of sentences and asked to identify the subject and the verb in each sentence. For example:

– The cat chased the mouse.

– My friends and I are going to the park.

– The teacher and the students were excited about the field trip.

2. Choose the correct form of the verb

In this exercise, students are given a sentence with an incorrect verb form. They are then asked to choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject. For example:

– The dog (bark, barks) at the mailman every day.

– My brother and I (is, are) going to the party tonight.

– My favorite movie (is, are) „The Lion King.“

3. Complete the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement

In this exercise, students are given an incomplete sentence and asked to complete it with the correct subject-verb agreement. For example:

– The (dog, dogs) (eat, eats) its food every day.

– My (friend, friends) (plays, play) video games all the time.

– The (book, books) (is, are) on the shelf.

4. Rewrite the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement

In this exercise, students are given a sentence with incorrect subject-verb agreement and asked to rewrite it with the correct agreement. For example:

– The boys walks to school every day. (The boys walk to school every day.)

– The teacher and the students is excited about the field trip. (The teacher and the students are excited about the field trip.)

– My mom and dad likes to watch football on Sundays. (My mom and dad like to watch football on Sundays.)

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an essential concept that students in grade 6 must master to improve their writing and communication skills. The exercises provided above are designed to help students practice and understand subject-verb agreement. By mastering subject-verb agreement, students will be able to write clear and effective sentences that convey their intended meaning.

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